Thursday, August 13, 2009


as a way of honoring sway's life i'm going to be competing in the long beach triathlon in september.
my hope is that it will also provide me with a therapeutic outlet while trying to cope with the hard reality of losing her.

finishing a triathlon is something i've always wanted to do and i suppose there is no time like the present... it is challenging atleast; sway was never really one for swimming but she could run like the wind and loved to lead me when i would go biking... I fully expect her to be co-piloting with me on september 20th.

any funds i raise will end up being split between the 4 organizations listed below...

hemopet animal blood bank
meisha's hope AIHA/IMHA fund #338
pit bull rescue of san diego
bad rap (bay area doglovers responsible about pit bulls)

help from anyone is appreciated...

tribute video i made for sway